Our club is proud of its reputation and regards the health and behaviour of its members’ dogs of paramount importance – so all members have an essential part to play in ensuring full compliance with club rules as summerised in these Basic Requirements :-
1. Health : Dogs must be inoculated and vaccination certificates shown before dogs can attend training sessions.
2. Law : Dogs must have a name tag clearly visible attached to its collar, and be Microchipped
3. Accidents : Dogs daily feed should be after training session or several hours before hand and they should be exercised before coming to the Club.
Do not exercise dogs on the sports field outside the Pavilion – use other areas.
Always have on you a Poop-Scoop or similar to clean up mishaps.
5. Tidiness : Groom your dogs before attending the Club to minimise fur shedding
6. Control : Dogs must have leads and collars suitable for the breed.
They must be kept on leads at all times at the Club unless otherwise instructed by Trainers.
7. Never : Bring bitches in season to any training sessions
8. Clothing : Wear sensible clothes and shoes which don’t flap or interfere or distract dogs from working.