Where it all began..
Chalfield Dog Training Club origins was started by the founding members Margot and Ernie Ross, over 60 years ago.
The name of Chalfield was after Margots Border Collie 'The Shepherd of Chalfield' who Margot bought for Two Pounds, ten shillings as a tiny pup, and eventually became a Championship C obedience dog and Film Star!
Originally meeting at Blue Bell Hill, the aim was to teach a small collection of like minded dog enthusiasts to train their dogs on obedience disciplines with a view to competition.
The small club was successful, and lead to some of its members competing at Crufts.
As the club grew, Margot and Ernie had the club Kennel Club registered, the venue then changed to the council owned pavilion next to the library in West Bridgeford.
The training hall was fairly small, but the club met twice a week, having a newcomer and novice evening on a Tuesday night, and the experienced group meeting on Wednesdays.
Later, the club moved to West Park Sports pavilion, still in West Bridgeford as the old place gave way to redevelopment, however, West Park itself was refurbished costing a fortune, and in the process the usage criteria was changed and Chalfield was on the move again.
This move we relocated to the rugby pavilion at East Leake, and since to the Community Centre at Clifton
Chalfields Dinner Dance at the West End Caberet Restuarant
Ready for the West Ends awesome carvery
Open Show 2003, secretaries table
Some impressive looking dog chew toys on offer.